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Dear Future Sponsor,
The Boys basketball teams will kick off their practice season in less than a month with games starting in the beginning of December. Both teams have been working hard in the off season, competing in summer leagues and fall tournaments.
They also have been participating in strength training and skill development with the Nazareth strength trainer and their coaches. The boys’ and girls’ teams will again have separate programs; however, your ad
will appear in both. This means the advertisers will have their advertisement visible at all boys and girls home games. These programs will be available to all home game attendees, free of charge, which will dramatically increase the circulation of your advertisement.
The basketball program is a major fundraiser for our young men and women dedicated to continuing the great tradition of Nazareth Basketball. Your support of the Nazareth coaches and athletes, as well as your recognition of their efforts and hard work, can be shown by placing an ad in the 2021-2022 program. This is a
great vehicle to promote your business or organization, while also demonstrating your support for the Nazareth Boys & Girls Basketball Programs. Thank you in advance for your continued encouragement and for helping our players enjoy another successful season.
If you are interested in ways to sponsor- Click here to send us an email
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